Statement Regarding COVID-19
On behalf of Glue Dots® International (GDI), we extend our deepest concern and support to our customers, vendors and partners who are impacted by the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation. We recognize the COVID-19 response and impact is a fluid situation that has the potential to change on a daily basis. We continue to monitor the developments of COVID-19 and its impact. We will continue to serve you and are committed to sharing updates on our business status as they become known.
We have implemented a wide range of proactive measures following all recommendations from the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities to help ensure both the safety of our people and business continuity for our customers.
The State of Wisconsin has issued a “Safer at Home” Order impacting non-essential businesses. GDI manufacturers and supplies critical materials for other Essential Businesses and Operations. GDI qualifies as an Essential Business and Operation under Sections 13(a), (r) and (v) of the Order.
We have taken steps to ensure that we continue to deliver the same level of responsive customer service, quality and excellence that have long-defined GDI’s service to our customers. Our organization can leverage the technological infrastructure we have in place to work virtually without loss of continuity or access to you.
We have taken steps to keep our manufacturing operations and staff safe by minimizing contact and keeping essential operations functional and producing. As an employer we are doing our part to minimize the spread of the virus and avoid business interruption.
GDI is open for business. We will adjust this plan appropriately should the situation change.
Ollie Ellsworth
Glue Dots International